Who We Are…
We are a local collaborative community of naturally-minded & freedom-loving homesteaders in Greene County, TN who are supporting, encouraging, and educating each other through our journey of self-sufficiency.
What We Mean By Regenerative:
To us, regenerative refers to regenerative agriculture. It means that we focus on the overall health of the entire ecological system instead of focusing solely on high yield mono crops. Some people may also use permaculture principles on their homestead.
Overall, regenerative agriculture is a way of re-establishing the relationship between people and the land. Typically, a regenerative homestead will focus on: building soil health, eliminating the use of toxic chemicals, growing diverse crops, holistic and humane livestock management, and using their resources efficiently. These principles often appear on the homestead through: rotational grazing, composting, reusing materials, herbal remedies, nose-to-tail consumption, and companion planting, to name a few.
Think of the way the Native Americans and pioneers lived in harmony with the land, this is what we are working to reclaim in the modern world.
What We Mean By Homesteaders:
To us, a homesteader is someone who wants to live self-sufficiently. Meaning, they want to get all or most of their food and resources from the land on which they live. This is a process, and one that doesn’t happen overnight, but our members are all invested in working towards this at their own pace. Many homesteaders in this community are actively doing a majority of these things: gardening, raising livestock, processing their own livestock, canning, foraging, home cooking, composting, felling their own trees for firewood, making herbal remedies, making non-toxic cleaning and body care products, home educating their children, home birthing, living off-grid, upcycling materials for clothing or decor, building their own coops, fencing or buildings, etc…